Monday, December 4, 2017


I began this odd little work in 1985 to amuse a very smart young friend. The project got stalled somewhere around the letter "i," and there it remained until, 32 years later, it got stimulated by two other adventures in verse (which can be seen at: and
It has very few socially redeeming qualities. 


1. Avaricious Avio Achins,
Boldly Baiting a Box with Beer,
Caught a Clutch of Coy Capuchins,
Dainty Dwarves and Druids Drear.

Clutch: A handful or small number of things, as a clutch of eggs.

Capuchin: a friar belonging to a certain branch of the Franciscan order. Their name means “little hood,” and their brown habits with lighter-brown hoods gave rise to the names of both the coffee drink called “cappuchino,” and the similarly colored capuchin monkey.
2. Elephantine Elbo Eblins

Found a Firbolg Full of Fight,
Garbed in Grimy GalliGaskins
Hung with Heads to Half His Height.

Firbolg: Ancient Irish Swamp-dweller, said, like many proto-Celtic tribes, to have enjoyed headhunting.
Galligaskins: Loose-fitting trousers, breeches or gaiters.

3. Irrepressible Igor Ittens

Jauntily Juggling Jars of Jams,
Kept in his Kitchen a Kindle of Kittens
To Lark and Leap Like Little Lambs.

Kindle: a group or litter of kittens.

To Lark: play joyfully.

4. Mistress Mousekin and her Minions

Naughtily Nibbled, with Nary a Noise,
On Oranges, Oysters, Oats and Onions,
Puddings, Pasties, Puffs, and Pies.

Pasties: Small turnovers filled with meat and/or vegetables.

Puffs: light flaky pastry shells with various fillings.
5. Quaintly Quizzical Quimby Quiggle,

Reciting his Really Rotten Rhymes,
Shocked Some Solemn Souls with Several
Tropes Too Tasteless for the Times.

Trope: A figurative or metaphorical use of an expression.
6. Ullia Utilized, Untaught,
Vaporous Veils from Vents Volcanic,
Wondrous Were the Works she Wrought:
Xenomorphic, Xylophonic.

Xenomorphic: taking an unexpected geological shape.
Xylophonic: somewhat like a Xylophone.


7. In Yonder Yard, a Youthful Yokel

Zings his Zither Zealously,
Yowls and Yammers, Yelps and Yodels
In Zany Zoomorphology.

Zings: Give me a break; there are only about seven verbs beginning with “Z,” most of them from comic books.
Zoomorphology: The artistic representation of animal forms.


And there you have, from A to Z,
Vignettes of eccentricity
Rescued from obscurity
(For no good reason I can see.)


Twenty-odd years ago, when baby Dylan Kai was born to my friends Karen Thorsen and Doug Dempsey (documentary filmmakers extraordinaire), I wanted to give them a unique baby gift. As I happened to be going through an illuminated-alphabets phase, I decided to illustrate the letter D
I have no idea whether this drawing had any effect on Dylan’s current budding career, but it probably didn’t hurt that he grew up with a pair of sly watchdragons guarding his dreams. 

(This accompanying verse just kind of wrote itself and was intended for the amusement of Dylan’s parents.)

D is for Dragons,
Drowsing and Dozing,
Deep in the Darkness of Dungeon or Den,

Dreaming of Damsels
In Damp Dishabille
Deliciously Dimpling in Darling Disdain,

Dreaming of Dybbuks
Dull, Dim and Doleful
In Damp Deliquescence of Desolate Drains,

Of Denizens Droll
In Depths Dionysian
Demigods, Demagogues, Demimondaines,

Dreaming of Dido
Decked in her Diadem,
Dauntless Diana, Demure in Divinity

Diminutive Duchesses
Delightful in Damask
Dazzlingly Draped in Diamonds and Dimity,

Of Dread Disembowlings
And Dire Disenchantments
Dull Destinations and Dingy Disguises,

Deeds Disconcerting,
Dukes Dis-anointed,
Deviant Dastards and Dirty devices,

Dreaming of Dryads,
Dancing in Dew-fall,
Dainty as Dill-seeds, Diaphanous as Down,

Of Decorous Druids
In Drab Dusty Duffle
Dyspeptic as Dishrags, Disputing till Dawn,

D is for Dylan
Dawdling in Dreamland,
Drowsing and Dozing and Drifting Downstream,

Dreaming of Dragons
Who all Dream of Dylan
Who Dreams of Discovering just what Dragons Dream.


I began this odd little work in 1985 to amuse a very smart young friend. The project got stalled somewhere around the lette...